Monday, October 25, 2010

New Online Outlet Makes Classified Ad Success Simple

October 25, 2010

For Immediate Release

Contact: Donovan A. McCloud


(323) 448-0404

New Online Outlet Makes Classified Ad Success Simple

(Los Angeles, CA) - - AdCoast.Com has launched a new service which takes a familiar idea and improves it so that users will realize successful sales and promotion faster.

Just as print classified advertising was a strongly relied on means to sell and promote in an economical way, the online generation of this idea has quickly replaced print options. As Internet user growth has exploded by triple digit percentage in the past decade and more than three quarters of the American population rely on the Internet on a regular basis, online classified ads have become the efficient way for people to sell, shop and recruit.

AdCoast.Com has created a system which at first looks familiar but offers users a greater opportunity than existing online outlets. People can post ads in dozens of categories to sell, seek employees, offer professional services, connect with their community, promote upcoming events and much more. All ads can be targeted to specific states and regions within those states.

But AdCoast.Com doesn’t stop there!

All classified ads posted to any AdCoast.Com category are 100% free. Users don’t need to register. They won’t have to remember usernames or passwords. AdCoast.Com is one of the most user-friendly online classified ad systems available. People of all ages and Internet experience will feel comfortable using AdCoast.Com.

Even with that, the creator of AdCoast.Com saw more that needed to be done different and better.

Every ad that’s posted to AdCoast.Com is also automatically submitted to the major search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing. Ads are associated with optimized URL’s for optimum search engine cooperation and result performance.

AdCoast.Com also feeds all ads posted within the For Sale, Services, Employment and Real Estate categories via RSS to the AdCoast.Com Twitter page with a link that takes Followers to the original ad.

The AdCoast.Com system of online classified ads offers users the most wide reaching result producing means. The Internet is a limitless opportunity for individuals and businesses. AdCoast.Com removes the limits other online classified ad programs force users to follow.

As the fourth quarter of 2010 progresses, it’s the opportune time for online sellers and marketers. Even as economic times took a downturn this time last year, e-commerce sales still rose by five percent to $27 billion. A more detailed study of this quarter in 2009 saw e-commerce sales increase by 11% on Black Friday, 21% on December 15 and by 13% during the major Eastern snow storm December 19 and 20.

AdCoast.Com offers sellers, buyers, shoppers, employers, seekers, renters, individuals and especially new businesses an easy opportunity to connect with results. AdCoast.Com’s easy to navigate, simple to use system of online ad posting will serve as a valuable tool for anyone who has launched a new venture but had to start with a limited budget.

There were always two options people considered when solution had to connect with need. You could either go to the need or wait for the need to come to you. AdCoast.Com offers a truly effective multi-faceted commercial communication system that connects for success.

(For more information about AdCoast.Com, visit www.AdCoast.Com. For additional comments or to arrange an interview with AdCoast.Com’s Donovan A. McCloud, call 323-448-0404 or email

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Free Classified Tweets!

AdCoast Free Classifieds provides 100% free online advertising for entrepreneurs and business owners.
Our advertising service allows you to easily reach millions of potential customers through our web platform for free by posting descriptive classified ads.

In order to increase your classified ad exposure to a much broader audience, we have integrated our Free Advertising feed within the Twitter micro blogging platform.
Each classified ad posted on is also automatically posted to our Twitter page with a link back to your full classified ad.

By leveraging the power of Twitter, you can further increase website traffic for free, build your brand, reach new market sectors, drive repeat customers and word of mouth to your business opportunities, income opportunities, products or services.

Follow adcoast on Twitter is a free classifed ad listing service where you can post free listings!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Take That $h!t To Craigslist!

Like any classified ad service, our users have been experiencing the threat of Nigerian scammers.

You know the ones; they email you after viewing your post, then explain that they would love to purchase your item but they are "out of town" so they would have to send you a check to cover the price of your item plus shipping costs.

Well got fed up with the nonsense so we decided to block all of Africa!

While we were at it, we decided to get a jump on things and block China, Korea, The Philippines and India before they get started.

Our message to all the scammers...

Take That $h!t To Craigslist!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Seven Unbeatable Free Advertising Methods

Apply these advertising methods. The best of all is that you don't need to pay a dime.

1. The easiest way to promote is through word of mouth. If your family, relatives, friends and colleagues like what they hear, there's a great chance they will forward the information to their friends. Bob Burg, the author behind "Endless Referrals - Network Your Everyday Contacts Into Sales", wrote every person has an average of 250 people in their network. Imagine if you would let every one of these persons know about your product, and if they in turn tell everyone in their network.

2. Always have a few business cards with you, wherever you go. You never know when you will bump into somebody who can benefit from what you advertise or someone who can help you. Not having a business card makes you look unprofessional. On dinner parties and other social gatherings, keep in mind that who you know is sometimes even more important than what you do. Introduce yourself to people you don't know and decide to say at least a few words to everyone at the dinner.

3. Online advertising is both the most popular way and tends to give faster results. Launch a blog and let the world know about your product or business.

4. Write articles for directories as or and point readers to your blog or website in your resource box.

5. Write press releases, e-books, newsletters or info reports and offer these for free online with a note saying it may be given away and distributed freely. Viral marketing is great free advertising. If people like what they read, they will recommend it to others.

6. Networking online is also important. You may not see as quick outcome, but it's worth a shot. Find an online forum with the same or a similar topic as what you advertise, and participate frequently. Ten minutes a day is better than an hour a week. Link to your website or blog in the signature box.

7. Use traffic generation sites as BlogExplosion and BlogMad to get free traffic to your site, and put a feedback form on your site. Opinions, comments and criticism will help you improve your advertising methods.
Remember to be passionate when advertising, whether it's online or not. If people feel you're passionate you stand a much better chance to get something out of it. With passion - one of the most important building blocks for a lasting business - your efforts will give a better result.